Learning Activities

Glossary of Key Words

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Key Word Meaning Example sentence
Altitude Height of the land above sea level. Mountains have a very high altitude, but rivers that are entering the sea flow at a very low altitude.
Aquifer A store of water in the underground rocks.  
Capillary Action When the roots of plants draw water up from the soil.  
Climate The average weather of a place. The climate of South India is hot throughout the year, especially in the months of  March, April and May. There is also a monsoon (rainy) season which usually lasts from April to November.
Channel Where the water flows as a river or stream.  
Condensation When water vapour (an invisible gas) turns into liquid water as water droplets.  
Confluence The point at which two rivers meet.  
Convection When warm air or water moves towards cooler air or water. With air, it means that warm air will rise until it cools.  
Deforestation When forests are cleared to make way for farms, roads, mines etc. There has been a lot of deforestation in some parts of North Thailand in the last thirty years.
Development A word geographers use when they compare life in different countries.  
Drainage Describes how water runs over the land (if there is any surface water). The drainage in Egypt is made up of one main river, the Nile. The rest of the country does not have much drainage because it is mainly hot desert.
Drainage Basin The area of land drained by a river and its tributaries.  
Ecosystem A group of living things and the environment in which they live. The rainforest is an ecosystem with many living things.
Employment The jobs people do. You can also use the phrase ‘economic activity’ (see below) There is a lot of employment in the city.
Economic Activity Work people earn money from. (The way people make a living). Some of the main types of economic activity in Thailand are rice farming, manufacturing, and tourism.
Evaporation When liquid water turns into a gas that is invisible (water vapour).  
Evapotranspiration When both evaporation and transpiration are happening.  
Groundwater Water stored in the rocks underground (also known as an aquifer).  
Groundwater Flow Water that moves slowly downhill through the underground rocks, often towards a river.  
Impermeable Does not let water through. Concrete is an impermeable surface, and rain either stays on it as surface storage or moves across it as surface runoff.
Infiltration When rainwater goes downwards into the soil. There is more infiltration if the soil is loose and quite dry.
Interception When trees and other plants (vegetation) block rainfall (precipitation) on its way to the ground. Deforestation means there is less interception because there are less tress to block the rainfall.
Landforms These are features on the Earth’s surface such as a mountain.  
Less Economically Developed Country (LEDC) A poor country. Much of its economic activity will not earn very much money compared to the economic activity of richer countries. Bangladesh is a Less Economically Developed Country (LEDC).
More Economically Developed Country A rich country, with a lot of economic activity that earns a lot of money. Germany is a More Economically Developed Country (MEDC).
Mouth Where a river meets the sea.  
Natural Hazards These are natural events which threaten people’s lives such as earthquakes. Geographers try to understand how natural hazards are caused so that people can try to protect themselves from them more.
Newly Industrialised Country A country that has had a lot of fast development in recent years, especially with more manufacturing (factories) being set up. They are often thought of as somewhere between an LEDC and a MEDC.  
Overland Flow Also known as Surface Runoff. Water that flows across the surface of the ground, often towards a stream or river.  
Percolation Water that moves downwards in to the rocks underground.  
Permeable Lets water through. Dry sand is permeable, water soaks into it.
Pollution When harmful substances are released into the environment. There is a lot of pollution in the city mainly because of the traffic and the many factories.
Population The number of people living in a place. China is the country with the largest population in the world.
Precipitation Water falling from the sky (as rain, hail, sleet or snow). There is a lot of precipitation in Thailand during the monsoon (rainy) season.
Relief The height and shape of the land. North Thailand, in places near to Chiang Mai, has a lot of hilly relief, but Bangkok mostly has very flat relief.
River Channel A river is contained in the river channel which usually has a flat riverbed (bottom) between two sides.  
Runoff Any water that runs across the surface of the land. (Also known as Overland Flow or Surface Runoff).  
Rural To do with the countryside.  
Rural-Urban Fringe The area at the edge of the city that starts to become countryside. In Thailand the urban-rural fringe seems to be a place where there are areas of  new housing mixed with rice fields.
Saturated Full of water. If soil is saturated, there will be no infiltration, only surface storage and / or surface runoff.
Settlement A place where people live. For example, it could be a few houses and nothing more, or a village, or a town, or a city. Tokyo is a very large settlement with more than 12 million people living in this mega-city.
Soil Moisture Water that is stored in the soil.  
Source Where a river begins.  
Surface Runoff Also known as Overland Flow. Water that flows across the surface of the ground, often towards a stream or river.  
Surface Storage Water that stays on the surface of the ground, usually in puddles.  
Throughflow Water that moves through the soil underground, often towards a stream or river, through cracks and holes in the soil.  
Tourism When people travel for pleasure. There is a lot of tourism in Thailand, which helps create a lot of employment.
Transportation The ways in which people and goods are moved from one place to another. The main types of transportation in the Philippines are by road and by boat (as this country is made up of many islands).
Transpiration When water vapour (an invisible gas) leaves plants through tiny holes in their leaves.  
Tributary A small river or stream that joins a larger river.  
Urban To do with towns or cities.  
Urban Growth An increase in the land area used by towns and cities.  
Urbanisation This is the increase in the percentage of people living in towns and cities. It usually means that there is urban growth (see above).  
Vegetation The plant-life in a place. There is not much vegetation in the Himalayas, because most plants are unable to grow at a high altitude.
Watershed The area of high land forming the edge of a river basin.  

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