
Introduction to the Balance Unit

Introduction to the Balance Unit

In this subject section you will look at the idea of balanced and unbalanced communities. and how imbalance affects changes in these systems. You will consider what a community needs to maintain equilibrium balance? You will investigate ways in which…

1 What is a balanced community?

1 What is a balanced community?

  Part A – Is our school community balanced? Adapted from image: Some rights reserved by padsbrother As a class discuss whether our school community is balanced. You might find the following slideshow, taken from our Patana Life pages, useful…

2 How balanced are two ‘Global Cities’?

2 How balanced are two ‘Global Cities’?

Two double lessons, two homework activities. Part A and B – Balance Criteria for Cities and Researching Balance in a City In part 1, we learned about some of the ways in which a community (such as our school) can…

2 Part b) Example Student Work

2 Part b) Example Student Work

London Here is some researched information about London by the students of 7H and 7G. Usually red = not balanced and green = balanced. To see all the pictures in one place click here. Mumbai Here is some researched information…

4) Balancing Urban Communities Assessment

4) Balancing Urban Communities Assessment

and and Here is the worksheet which you must download, save a copy and complete by the deadline set by your teacher. Click on the picture of it to download it: Here is the rubric but you can also download…

Balance Journaling Questions

Balance Journaling Questions

Week 1 • Is your own community where you live balanced? • What impact has balance/imbalance in your community had on you personally? Week 2 • What factors affecting balance in your own community apply to other communities you have…